Java in a Nutshell

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The java.awt.event Package

20.21 java.awt.event.MouseEvent (JDK 1.1)

An event of this type indicates that the user has moved the mouse or pressed one of the mouse buttons.

Call getID() to determine the specific type of mouse event that has occurred. This method returns one of the following seven constants, which corresponds to a method in either the MouseListener or MouseMotionListener interface.


The user has pressed a mouse button.


The user has released a mouse button.


The user has pressed and released a mouse button without any intervening mouse drag.


The user has moved the mouse while holding a button down


The user has moved the mouse without holding any buttons down.


The mouse pointer has entered the component. MOUSE_EXITED

The mouse pointer has left the component

Use getX() and getY() or getPoint() to obtain the coordinates of the mouse event. Use translatePoint() to modify these coordinates by a specified amount.

Use getModifiers() and other methods and constants inherited from InputEvent to determine the mouse button or keyboard modifiers that were down when the event occurred. See InputEvent for details. Note that mouse button modifiers are not reported for MOUSE_RELEASED events, since, technically, the mouse button in question is no longer pressed. This can be surprising.

Use getComponent(), inherited from ComponentEvent, to determine over which component the event occurred.

For mouse events of type MOUSE_CLICKED, MOUSE_PRESSED, or MOUSE_RELEASED, call getClickCount() to determine how many consecutive clicks have occurred.

If you are using popup menus, use isPopupTrigger() to test whether the current event represents the standard platform-dependent popup menu trigger event.

public class MouseEvent extends InputEvent {
    // Public Constructor
            public MouseEvent(Component source, int id, long when, int modifiers, int x, int y, 
            public MouseEvent'u'int clickCount, boolean popupTrigger);
    // Constants
            public static final int MOUSE_CLICKED;
            public static final int MOUSE_DRAGGED;
            public static final int MOUSE_ENTERED;
            public static final int MOUSE_EXITED;
            public static final int MOUSE_FIRST;
            public static final int MOUSE_LAST;
            public static final int MOUSE_MOVED;
            public static final int MOUSE_PRESSED;
            public static final int MOUSE_RELEASED;
    // Public Instance Methods
            public int getClickCount();
            public Point getPoint();
            public int getX();
            public int getY();
            public boolean isPopupTrigger();
            public String paramString();  // Overrides ComponentEvent
            public synchronized void translatePoint(int x, int y);



Passed To:

AWTEventMulticaster.mouseClicked(), AWTEventMulticaster.mouseDragged(), AWTEventMulticaster.mouseEntered(), AWTEventMulticaster.mouseExited(), AWTEventMulticaster.mouseMoved(), AWTEventMulticaster.mousePressed(), AWTEventMulticaster.mouseReleased(), Component.processMouseEvent(), Component.processMouseMotionEvent(), MouseAdapter.mouseClicked(), MouseAdapter.mouseEntered(), MouseAdapter.mouseExited(), MouseAdapter.mousePressed(), MouseAdapter.mouseReleased(), MouseListener.mouseClicked(), MouseListener.mouseEntered(), MouseListener.mouseExited(), MouseListener.mousePressed(), MouseListener.mouseReleased(), MouseMotionAdapter.mouseDragged(), MouseMotionAdapter.mouseMoved(), MouseMotionListener.mouseDragged(), MouseMotionListener.mouseMoved()

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java.awt.event.MouseAdapter (JDK 1.1) Book Index java.awt.event.MouseListener (JDK 1.1)

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