UNIX in a Nutshell: System V Edition

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The RCS Utility
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rcsdiff [options] [diff_options] files

Compare revisions via diff. Specify revisions using -r as follows:

Number of Revisions specified:

Comparison made:
NoneWorking file against latest revision
OneWorking file against specified revision
TwoOne revision against the other

rcsdiff accepts the standard options -q, -V, and -x, as well as diff_options, which can be any valid diff option. rcsdiff exits with a status of 0 (no differences), 1 (some differences), or 2 (unknown problem).



When comparing revisions, expand keywords using style c. (See co for values of c.)


Use revision R1 in the comparison.


Use revision R2 in the comparison. (-rR1 must also be specified.)

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Reference: rcscleanBook IndexReference: rcsfreeze

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