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4.5. Setting Up a Certificate Authority

If you want to become a CA, everything you need is included in the OpenSSL toolkit. This step is only feasible in a few high-end cases in which security is critical and you need to be in full control of the process. T he utilities provided with OpenSSL will perform the required cryptographic computations and automatically track issued certificates using a simple, file-based database. To be honest, the process can be cryptic (no pun intended) and frustrating at times, but that is because experts tend to make applications for use by other experts. Besides, polishing applications is not nearly as challenging as inventing something new. Efforts are under way to provide more user-friendly and complete solutions. Two popular projects are:

OpenCA (

Aims to be a robust out-of-the-box CA solution

TinyCA (

Aims to serve only as an OpenSSL frontend

The most important part of CA operation is making sure the CA's private key remains private. If you are serious about your certificates, keep the CA files on a computer that is not connected to any network. You can use any old computer for this purpose. Remember to backup the files regularly.

After choosing a machine to run the CA operations on, remove the existing OpenSSL installation. Unlike what I suggested for web servers, for CA operation it is better to download the latest version of the OpenSSL toolkit from the main distribution site. The installation process is simple. You do not want the toolkit to integrate into the operating system (you may need to move it around later), so specify a new location for it. The following will configure, compile, and install the toolkit to /opt/openssl:

$ ./configure --prefix=/opt/openssl
$ make
$ make test
# make install

Included with the OpenSSL distribution is a convenience tool (called or CA in some distributions), which simplifies CA operations. The tool was designed to perform a set of common operations with little variation as an alternative to knowing the OpenSSL commands by heart. This is particularly evident with the usage of default filenames, designed to be able to transition seamlessly from one step (e.g., generate a CSR) to another (e.g., sign the CSR).

Before the CA keys are generated, there are three things you may want to change:

  • By default, the generated CA certificates are valid for one year. This is way too short, so you should increase this to a longer period (for example, 10 years) if you intend to use the CA (root) certificate in production. At the beginning of the file, look for the line $DAYS="-days 365", and change the number of days from 365 to a larger number, such as 3650 for 10 years. This change will affect only the CA certificate and not the others you will generate later.

  • The CA's key should be at least 2,048 bits long. Sure, 1024-bit keys are considered strong today, but no one knows what will happen in 10 years' time. To use 2,048-bit keys you will have to find (in the part of the code where the CA's certificate is generated (search for "Making CA certificate") and replace $REQ -new with $REQ -newkey rsa:2048.

  • The default name of the CA (in the openssl.cnf file) is demoCA. This name only appears on the filesystem and not in the certificates, so you may leave it as is. If you do want to change it, you must do this in openssl.cnf (dir=./demoCA) and in (CATOP=./demoCA) as well.

The file was not designed to use the full path to the openssl binary. Consequently, if two OpenSSL installations are on the machine, it will probably call the one installed by the system. This needs to be changed unless you have removed the previous installation as I suggested before. The five lines are near the top of the file:

$REQ="openssl req $SSLEAY_CONFIG";
$CA="openssl ca $SSLEAY_CONFIG";
$VERIFY="openssl verify";
$X509="openssl x509";
$PKCS12="openssl pkcs12";

The five lines need to be changed to the following:

$VERIFY="$OPENSSL verify";
$X509="$OPENSSL x509";
$PKCS12="$OPENSSL pkcs12";

You are ready to create a CA:

# cd /opt/openssl
# ./ssl/misc/ -newca

In the first stage of execution to create a CA, you will be asked to provide the CA certificate name (this refers to any existing CA certificates you might have, so leave it blank by pressing return) and a passphrase (choose a long password). In the second stage, you will be required to enter the same fields as you did for a standard web server certificate (e.g., country, state, city). After the script ends, the following files and directories appear in /opt/openssl/demoCA:


CA root certificate (with the public key inside)


Storage area for old certificates


Storage area for certificate revocation lists


List of all signed certificates


Storage area for newly generated certificates


CA private key


Contains the serial number to be used for the next certificate created

All CA-related data is stored in the specified files and directories.

4.5.1. Preparing the CA Certificate for Distribution

The format in which certificates are normally stored (text-based PEM) is not suitable for distribution to clients. The CA certificate you created needs to be converted into binary DER format, which is the default format browsers expect:

# cd /opt/openssl/demoCA
# openssl x509 -inform PEM -outform DER -in cacert.pem -out demoCA.der

Now, you can distribute the file demoCA.der to your users. Importing a DER-encoded certificate (into a program, usually a browser) is easy: users can download it from a web page somewhere or double-click the file if it is on the filesystem (in which case the certificate is likely to be imported into Internet Explorer). For web server distribution, Apache must be configured to serve DER-encoded files using the application/x-x509-ca-cert MIME type. The default mod_ssl configuration already does this for the extension .crt. You can rename the DER file to have this extension or associate the MIME type with the .der extension by adding the following line to the httpd.conf configuration file:

AddType application/x-x509-ca-cert .der

Test the configuration by trying to import the certificate into your own browser. If the import process begins, the server is configured properly. If a standard download window appears, you need to investigate what has gone wrong. Perhaps you have forgotten to restart the web server after configuring the DER MIME type?

4.5.2. Issuing Server Certificates

To use SSL, each web server must be supplied with a server certificate. Before issuing a first certificate, you may need to adjust the default policy, specified in the openssl.cnf file. The policy controls which of the fields in the CA certificate must match fields in the issued certificates. The default policy requires the fields countryName, stateOrProvinceName, and organizationName to match:

[ policy_match ]
countryName = match
stateOrProvinceName = match
organizationName = match
organizationalUnitName = optional
commonName = supplied
emailAddress = optional

Option values have the following meanings:


The field in the certificate must match the corresponding field in the CA certificate.


The field can contain any value.


The field can contain any value, or be left empty.

To create a certificate, assuming you were given a CSR by some other web server administrator in your organization, rename the CSR file to newreq.pem and execute the following command to sign it:

# -signreq

That is all there is to it. You will be asked to type in the CA passphrase, and you will be given an opportunity to verify the details are in order. When you type in your passphrase, only asterisks will be shown, helping to keep your passphrase private.

# -signreq
Using configuration from /opt/openssl/ssl/openssl.cnf
Enter pass phrase for ./demoCA/private/cakey.pem:******
Check that the request matches the signature
Signature ok
Certificate Details:
        Serial Number: 1 (0x1)
            Not Before: Jul 23 17:25:01 2004 GMT
            Not After : Jul 23 17:25:01 2005 GMT
            countryName               = GB
            localityName              = London
            organizationName          = Apache Security
            commonName                =
            emailAddress              =
        X509v3 extensions:
            X509v3 Basic Constraints:
            Netscape Comment:
                OpenSSL Generated Certificate
            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier:
            X509v3 Authority Key Identifier:
                DirName:/C=GB/L=London/O=Apache Security/CN=Apache Security
Certificate is to be certified until Jul 23 17:25:01 2005 GMT (365 days)
Sign the certificate? [y/n]:y
1 out of 1 certificate requests certified, commit? [y/n]y
Write out database with 1 new entries
Data Base Updated
Signed certificate is in newcert.pem

You can also create a private key and a CSR on the spot (which you may do if you are the only person in charge of certificates). When the private key needs a passphrase, use the -newreq switch:

# -newreq

When a private key without a passphrase is needed, use the -newreq-nodes switch:

# -newreq-nodes

Now you can again use the -signreq command to create a certificate.

4.5.3. Issuing Client Certificates

To create a passphrase-protected client certificate, execute the following two commands in sequence:

# -newreq
# -signreq

Most client applications (typically browsers) require the certificate to be supplied in PKCS12 format. The following line will take the certificate from the file newcert.pem and create a file newcert.p12. You will be asked to enter an export password to protect the file. Whoever attempts to import the certificate will be required to know this password.

# -pkcs12

4.5.4. Revoking Certificates

Certificate revocation is a simple operation. To perform it you need the certificate you intend to revoke. OpenSSL keeps copies of all issued certificates in the newcerts/ folder, with filenames that match certificate serial numbers. To locate a certificate, open the index.txt file and search for the email address of the user or the web address of the server. Each line in the file, represented by the following two lines, corresponds to one issued certificate:

V   050723172501Z       01  unknown /C=GB/L=London/O=Apache

The third token on the line is the serial number. After locating the correct serial number, revoke the certificate with that serial number:

# cd /opt/openssl
# openssl ca -revoke ./demoCA/newcerts/01.pem

In step two of certificate revocation, generate a Certificate Revocation List (CRL). The CRL is a signed collection of all revoked certificates. All CAs are required to publish revocation lists on a regular basis.

# openssl ca -gencrl -out demoCA.crl

In step three, you need to distribute the CRL to all your web servers. A good idea is to place it on a web server somewhere. Have a cron job on every other web server that compares the CRL on the web server that always contains the most up-to-date CRL with the local version. If they are different, it should update the locally stored copy and restart Apache to make changes active.

4.5.5. Using Client Certificates

After all our hard work, using client certificates consists of adding a few lines to the httpd.conf file on each web server to be used for SSL communication:

# CA certificate path
SSLCACertificateFile /usr/local/apache2/conf/ssl/demoCA.crt
# Certificate revocation list path
SSLCARevocationFile /usr/local/apache2/conf/ssl/demoCA.crl
# Clients are required to have valid certificates
# in order to access the web site
SSLVerifyClient require
# Client certificates are accepted as valid only
# if signed directly by the CA given above
SSLVerifyDepth 1

It is important to have only one CA known to the Apache installation so only client certificates signed by this CA are accepted as valid. For example, if Apache is configured to trust all certificate authorities in the certificate bundle distributed with OpenSSL, then client certificates signed by any of the well-known authorities would be deemed acceptable. An attacker might go and acquire a free personal certificate from Thawte (for example) and use that certificate to access the protected web site.

The value of the SSLVerifyDepth directive should be set to 1, which instructs Apache to accept only client certificates that are signed directly by the CA we trust, the demoCA. This setting limits the certificate chain to two certificates, preventing nonroot certificate owners from creating valid client certificates.

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