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3.2. Commanding Other Programs

Unless you plan to display dialog boxes in Script Editor all day, you're probably feeling pretty constrained by AppleScript right now. Yeah, you can display cool stuff in your dialog boxes, but that won't be enough to automate your Mac.

Luckily, you can use AppleScript to do other thingsand one of the most powerful is the ability to control other applications. This feature alone unlocks a world of possibilities:

  • Automate your favorite word processor, so you can save all unsaved documents with a single click (Section 5.7.3).

  • Apply color-correction settings automatically using Adobe Photoshop (Section 7.2.2).

  • Convert song files in iTunes automatically while you recline in your lounge chair (Section 8.1.4).

Before you can write any of those complicated scripts, however, you must learn the basics of program control. This section, therefore, introduces the basics of how to send commands to specific programs, rather than just to Mac OS X itself.

3.2.1. Using tell Statements

When you want to target a program with your commands, you have to let AppleScript know which program to talk to. For such purposes, the tell statement is your best friend.

Say you want the Finder to open your Home folder, so you can copy some files onto your desktop. To do this, enter these commands in Script Editor, then click Run:

tell application "Finder"
    open home
end tell

Everything after the tell command is directed at the program you specifyin this case, the Finder. The activate command brings the program forward, while the open home command tells the Finder to open a new Finder window and for your Home folder. Finally, once AppleScript reaches the end tell command, it lets the Finder off the hook and stops sending it commands.

If you want to send a single command to a program, you can put the entire tell statement on one line, like this:

tell application "Finder" to activate

That way, you don't have to spell out the entire thing on multiple lines, like this:

tell application "Finder"
end tell

3.2.2. Opening a Dictionary

If you hope to do real work with the Finder, being able to open windows or display dialog boxes is really just small potatoes. For more complex tasks, you have to read the Finder's dictionarya list of all the commands it can accept. Every program that AppleScript can command has a dictionary, too, so it's helpful to take some time to explore.

To access a program's dictionary, follow these steps:

  1. Open Script Editor, and choose File Open Dictionary (Shift--O).

    A dialog box appears, with a list of every program on your Mac that AppleScript can control.

  2. Scroll down to the program whose dictionary you want to open.

    Alternatively, type the first few letters of the program's name. For example, just type "Fin" to jump down to the Finder.

    If you want to open the dictionary of a program, but you don't see its name in the Open Dictionary dialog box, click Browse. You'll get a standard Open dialog box, which you can use to navigate to the appropriate program on your hard drive.

    Power Users' Clinic
    Apple Events

    When you tell the Finder to activate, Mac OS X sends a tiny virtual packetknown as an Apple Eventfrom Script Editor to the Finder. Such packets are the foundation of AppleScript; every single command you write gets translated into an Apple Event before it's sent off to the appropriate program.

    Not only does Mac OS X send Apple Events between programs, but Apple Events are often sent within the same program. For example, Script Editor's Recording feature (Section works by picking up Apple Events that occur as you interact with individual programs on your Mac.

    If you'd like to see the actual guts of an Apple Eventnot a pretty sighta program like AE Monitor ( can help. With AE Monitor installed, you can track all the Apple Events flying around your systemto see where they're coming from and where they're heading to, for example. If you have a spare afternoon, set up AE Monitor and just use your Mac as usual; you'll be amazed at the number of Apple Events your Mac is sending.

    Of course, this is all possible because Apple Events are a standard for communicating between Mac programs. That means they work in Mac OS 9 and Mac OS Xand that's why you can send AppleScript commands back and forth between programs running in the Classic environment (a Mac OS 9 emulator) and in Mac OS X. Most of all, this standards-compliance means that AppleScript isn't the only language you can use for controlling programs. Other languages, such as Late Night Software's version of JavaScript ( can control other programs using Apple Events, too.

    Now, that's not to say you should start using other languages to control Mac programsAppleScript is still the easiest and most supported Mac scripting language around. However, if you happen to have JavaScript code that you've written for a Web site, the ability to also automate programs with JavaScript is a big plus.

  3. Click Choose.

    The program's dictionary opens, as shown in Figure 3-2.

If you're a speed freak, there are two other ways to open a program's dictionary. The first is to drag the program's icon onto Script Editor's Dock icon. No dialog boxes, no navigatingjust a quick way to bring up the program's dictionary.

The second trick is even sneakier than the first. If the program whose dictionary you want to open is already in the Dock, just -drag that program's icon onto Script Editor's icon. (For instance, if you wanted to open the Finder's dictionary, you could just -drag its Dock icon onto Script Editor's). Time saved: 2.7 seconds.

Figure 3-2. The dictionary window has two parts. The flippy triangles on the left (also known as disclosure triangles because they reveal additional information) let you browse through commands, kind of like an index. The pane on the right displays the entries themselves: definitions for the commands and keywords that the program allows.

3.2.3. Looking for the Commands You Want

Now, suppose you want to make a script that checks whether you have a Home Current Work folder and then displays a dialog box that tells you its findings. To make such a script, you must first figure out the appropriate AppleScript commands.

For this job, the Finder's dictionary is your best reference. That's because the dictionary determines which commands you can use, so you're likely to find the best command for your job there.

When you're looking through a dictionary, it's always a good idea to check the dictionary's Standard Suite first. In the world of AppleScript, the Standard Suite is a set of commands common to most scriptable programs. The commands listed there are AppleScript mainstays (open, close, and delete, for example)the sorts of commands that give AppleScript its reputation for being like English. To open the Standard Suite, just click the flippy triangle next to its name. Then, to browse the list of possible commands, click the triangle next to commands.

If the mouse is too slow for you, you can navigate a dictionary using just the keyboard. Use the arrow keys to scroll over a particular suite, and reveal the suite's contents with the right arrow key. If you want to pop open the suite's commands at the same time, press Option-right arrow while the suite's heading is selected.

When you're done sifting through the commands with the up and down arrow keys, select the heading of the suite again and press the left arrow key. In an instant, the contents of the suite disappear. Checking whether the folder is already there

As your eyes wander down the left column in the Finder's dictionary, you'll come across the exists command. Click it once, and you'll see a brief description of how it works: "Result: boolean true if it exists, false if not." This is precisely the command you'd use to check if a folder is already there.

A Boolean value is simply one that can be only true or false.

Gem in the Rough
Script Editor's Library

As you write more scripts, you'll spend a lot of time reading dictionaries. Unfortunately, the method Apple suggests for examining them (choosing File Open Dictionary, then scrolling pages and pages to find the right program) can be time-consuming, especially if you have a lot of programs.

Luckily, Script Editor includes a shortcut for examining dictionaries: the Library window, which you can open by choosing Window Library (Shift--L).

The Library window contains a list of common scriptable Mac OS X programs. You can open a program's dictionary by selecting its name and clicking the bookshelf icon, or just by double-clicking the program's name.

If you often find yourself reading a particular program's dictionary, you can add the program to the Library window by clicking the + button in the toolbar, and then navigating to the program in the Open dialog box. Conversely, you can remove a program from the Library window by selecting its name and pressing the - button in the toolbar.

Finally, the script icon in the toolbar (the one farthest to the right) is a convenient way to create a new script for an application in the Library list. For example, if you select iCal and then click the Script icon, a new script window pops open with the following code, ready for you to enter additional commands:

tell application "iCal"
end tell

Enter the following script to test out the exists command:

tell application "Finder"
    if the folder "Current Work" of home exists then
        display dialog "The Current Work folder is already there."
    end if
end tell

This might not look quite like English, but it's pretty close. Here's how the commands work:

  • tell application "Finder". This is the equivalent of saying "heads up" to the Finder. It sends all the commands that follow to the Finder instead of to Mac OS X itself.

  • if the folder "Current Work" of home exists then. This command searches in your Home folder for a folder named Current Work. If this folder exists, the script runs every command inside the if statement (everything from if to end if ).

In AppleScript, you need to put the names of specific items (folders, programs, and so on) in quotation marks after the items they refer tolike folder "Current Work", application "Finder", and so on.

However, some special items are represented by AppleScript keywords, like home and current application. These terms are placeholders for a specific folder or application, so they don't use quotation marks. (To represent their special status, keywords like these also get colored blue in the Script Field.)

  • display dialog "The Current Work folder is already there." This command is placed inside the if statement, which means it's run only if the Current Work folder already exists.

  • end if. This marks the end of the if statement. Because of that, any commands that follow are run regardless of whether the Current Work folder already exists.

  • end tell. This marks the end of the tell statement. Any commands that follow are sent to Mac OS X itself, rather than to the Finder.

Now run the script. If the script finds a Current Work folder in your Home folder, it displays a dialog box; otherwise, the script ends silently and you see nothing at all. Displaying the other dialog box

At this point, your script works fine. However, it only does half the job; if there isn't a Current Work folder, the script just ends without letting you know. To fix this problem, you need to insert a few commands in your script (new lines are shown in bold):

tell application "Finder"
    if the folder "Current Work" of home exists then
        display dialog "The Current Work folder already exists."
        display dialog "The Current Work folder can't to be found."
    end if
end tell

If you have a Current Work folder, the first dialog box ("The Current Work folder already exists.") is displayed. However, if you don't have a Current Work folder, the first dialog box is not displayed, and the else statementwhich shows the second dialog boxtakes over instead.

That's how all if-else statements work: if the if portion is true, the commands that follow if are run. On the other hand, if the if portion is false, the script runs the commands that follow else instead.

It's the same sort of logic you'd use when deciding what to wear outside: "If it's raining, I will wear a raincoat. Else, I will wear a T-shirt."

Up to Speed
Understanding Dictionaries

Dictionaries are some of the most useful references in AppleScript, since they list the meanings and usage of everyday AppleScript keywords. Unfortunately, dictionaries can be hard to decipher, and their strange jargon confounds many beginners. If you find yourself tossed in the sea of programmer-speak, this sidebar can help you regain your land legs.

First of all, a dictionary is broken down into multiple sections, called suites. The most commonthe Standard Suitelists AppleScript commands that you'll use over and over again in multiple programs. Don't worry too much about suites, though: they're just there for organizing large numbers of commands, and they don't have any bearing on how commands work.

Within many suites, you'll find two sectionsclasses and commandswhen you click the flippy triangle next to a suite's name. A class is the AppleScript equivalent of a nounlike disk and folder. A command, on the other hand, is like an AppleScript verbdelete or restart, for example.

As with English, you make complete AppleScript statements by connecting verbs and nouns. In the script on Section, for example, you check whether a folder exists by using the AppleScript class (or noun) folder, and using the command (or verb) exists. Once you realize that you're just building sentences, the whole concept of "programming" should lose some of its stigma.

Finally, certain commands have results. You can think of a result like the answer to a question; if you ask AppleScript whether a file exists, for instance, the result will be either true or false. Obviously, different commands will have different resultssome will be files, some will be numbers, and some will be lists, for example. The great part about dictionaries, though, is that they're nice enough to tell you what kind of result you can expect from a particular command: just look next to the word "Result" at the bottom of a command's entry.

Don't get too cocky, though. Many commands in dictionaries have optionsthe AppleScript equivalent of prepositional phrases. Options add extra features to a particular command, letting you make the command more targeted (at a particular disk or folder, for instance). You can tell something's an option because it's surrounded in brackets in its dictionary entrylike to location for the duplicate command (Section 5.4.1). Keep in mind, though, that an option is just that: optional. You never have to use an option with a particular command if you don't want to.

3.2.4. Displaying a Window in the Finder

So far, your script lets you know whether it finds a Current Work folder or not. That's useful, but it would be even better if the script could open a Finder window showing you the contents of the Current Work folder if it exists.

To do that, you have to go back and sift through the Finder's dictionaryand again, the Standard Suite is the best place to start, since the commands there are both simple and powerful. As you browse the command list, you'll come across the open commandand its definition, "open: Open the specified object(s)," reveals that it will do just what you want (Figure 3-3).

Figure 3-3. The "specified object(s)" that the dictionary refers to can be anything you want to open. In this case, you want to open a folder, so the "specified object" will be the name of that folder.

Now you can build an updated script:

tell application "Finder"
    if the folder "Current Work" of home exists then
        open folder "Current Work" of home
        display dialog "The Current Work folder 'can't be found."
    end if
end tell

Here's how the two new lines work:

  • The activate command brings the Finder forward.

To open a program without bringing it forward, use the launch command instead of activate.

  • open folder "Current Work" of home does the same thing that double-clicking the Current Work folder would do: it opens a Finder window to display the Current Work folder's contents.

Now that you know how to display dialog boxes, read programs' dictionaries, and use if statements to run code selectively, you're well on your way to creating truly timesaving scripts. On Section, for example, you'll learn how to create folders, in addition to opening them.

Before going on, though, you might want to exercise your new AppleScript knowledge to keep it flexible. For example, you could write a script that opens your Home folder, or write a script to display a series of jokes. As with most things in AppleScript, the only limit is your tolerance for geekiness.

Power Users' Clinic
Scripting Additions

So far, you've looked up two commands in a dictionary: exists and open. You might be wondering, though, which dictionary has the entries for commands like display dialog.

As it turns out, general AppleScript commands (like display dialog) are stored in files called scripting additions. You can examine scripting additions' dictionaries the same way you'd examine the Finder's dictionary: by choosing File Open Dictionary.

The display dialog command is stored in the Standard Additions dictionary included with your Maca scripting addition that contains commands for user interaction, network jobs, and other miscellaneous tasks. If you use Script Editor's Library window (Sidebar 3.3), you can just double-click the item called StandardAdditions.osax to open the Standard Additions dictionary.

Not all scripting additions come with your Mac, though. If you ever find AppleScript lacking in a certain featuresay, the ability to use logarithmsthere's a good chance someone else has created a scripting addition to plug the hole. Check out for a comprehensive list of third-party scripting additionsincluding ones that do everything from spell checking to complex math operations. Once you've downloaded a scripting addition, just drag it into the Library ScriptingAdditions folder (creating the folder if necessary) to make the new commands available to all your scripts.

(And a side note: among AppleScript geeks, another term for "scripting addition" is osax, which stands for Open Scripting Architecture Extension. For the ultimate in obscurity, memorize the plural form: osaxen.)

Unfortunately, if you use commands from third-party scripting additions, your scripts might not work properly on other Macs. The workaround: use script bundlesself-contained files that let you distribute scripting additions along with your scripts (Sidebar 2.5). Of course, if you purchased a third-party scripting addition, make sure it's legal to distribute before you go bundling it with all your scripts.

If after a while you find it hard to keep track of all the scripting additions on your Mac, install the HetimaOsaxOpener plug-in (Section 2.3.5) to keep them organized in Script Editor's File menu. That's a much easier way of opening scripting additions than, for example, the Open Dictionary dialog box.

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