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Sets up I/O buffering for an open file

#include <stdio.h>
int setvbuf ( FILE * restrict fp , char * restrict buffer , int mode ,
             size_t size  );

The setvbuf( ) function specifies the buffering conditions for input and/or output using the stream associated with the FILE pointer fp. You may call the setvbuf( ) function only after the file has been successfully opened, and before any file I/O operations have taken place.

The mode parameter determines the type of buffering requested. Symbolic constants for the permissible values are defined in stdio.h as follows:


Fully buffered: On read and write operations, the buffer is filled completely before data appears from the source or at the destination.


Line buffered: On read and write operations, the buffer is filled until a newline character occurs before data appears from the source or at the destination. Furthermore, if a requested read operation exceeds the contents of the buffer, then the buffer contents are written to the file before more data is read from the file into the buffer.


Not buffered: Data is read from or written to the file directly. The buffer and size parameters are ignored.

You can provide a buffer for the file by passing its address and size in the arguments buffer and size. The setvbuf( ) function is not required to use the buffer you provide, however. If buffer is a null pointer, setvbuf( ) dynamically allocates a buffer of the specified size. Otherwise, you must make sure that the buffer remains available until you close the file. The function returns 0 on success; any other value indicates failure or an invalid mode argument.


#define MAX_LINE 4096
FILE *fp_linewise = fopen( "output.txt", "a+" );
unsigned char *iobuffer = malloc( MAX_LINE );
if ( iobuffer != NULL )
{ // Buffer output up to each '\n'.
  if (setvbuf( fp_linewise, iobuffer, _IOLBF, MAX_LINE ))
    fprintf( stderr, "setvbuf( ) failed; unable to set line-buffering.\n" ),
    exit( -2 );
  fprintf( stderr, "malloc( ) failed; no point in calling setvbuf( ).\n" ),
  exit( -1 );

See Also

setbuf( ), fopen( ), malloc( )

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