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Obtains the single-byte equivalent of a wide character, if any

#include <stdio.h>
#include <wchar.h>
int wctob ( wint_t wc  );

The wctob( ) function returns the single-byte member of the extended character set, if there is one, that corresponds to its wide character argument, wc.

To be more exact, wctob( ) determines whether there is a character in the extended character set which corresponds to the wide character wc, and whose multibyte character representation is expressed in a single byte in the initial shift state of the locale's multibyte encoding. If this is the case, then wctob( ) returns that character, converted from unsigned char to int. If not, wctob( ) returns EOF.


FILE *fp_inwide;
wchar_t wc;
int bc;

/* ... open the files ... */

fwide( fp_inwide, 1 );
while (( wc = fgetwc( fp_inwide )) != WEOF )
  if (( bc = wctob( wc )) != EOF )
    fputc( c, stdout );
  else                       // If no byte-character equivalent,
    fputc( '?', stdout );    // print a question mark instead.

See Also

wctomb( ), wcrtomb( ), wcstombs( ), and wcsrtombs( ); btowc( ), mbtowc( ), mbrtowc( ), mbstowcs( ), and mbsrtowcs( )

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