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Running production-grade backups takes a lot of planning, pricing, and consideration of policies on things like data retention and tape rotation issues. Doing it well in a large enterprise often draws on technical coordination among departments and server administrators, especially if you're running centralized backups.

There are a number of useful tools that come with Red Hat, Fedora Core, and most other Linux distributions. Using them effectively not only with the OS but also with your applications such as databases (such as MySQL) is critical for getting backups that you can rely on. In addition, knowing what to backup, what not to, and how to restore is also important in ensuring that there are no technical glitches along the way.

Just remember, with backups you must always be thinking at least 6 months to a year ahead. Plan for new tapes, server growth, tape pools, and rotations. With careful planning, you'll be ready when they come to you to get the full restore of that critical system, and then it will all be worthwhile.

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