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BIND9 Security

BIND9 offers a number of new security settings that you can use to lock down your DNS servers. Although we don't have the space to cover them here, if you run BIND9, you should take the time to get to know these features:


To learn more, consult the BIND9 Administrator Reference Manual at

Whether or not you use these advanced security features, there are a few simple habits that will keep your DNS server secure. In this section, we describe two of these and show you how to keep DNS under control. In addition, use the security methods you have established for your other Internet services.

Lock Down Your Name Servers

The first thing you should do to enhance security on your DNS server is to lock it down. By doing this, you disallow zone transfers from anyone except your machines that have legitimate need for zone transfer data. By default, the zone definitions in named.conf look like this:

   zone "" IN {
           type master;
           file "";
           allow-update { none; };

This is a huge security risk if left as is. If not locked down, anyone can do zone transfers from your DNS server and see all of the machines that your DNS has records for. Consider the output of the following dig command, which requests a zone transfer with the axfr option:

# dig axfr @

; <<>> DiG 9.2.2-P3 <<>> axfr @
;; global options:  printcmd            86400    IN     SOA 2004011823 10800 900 604800 86400          86400   IN      A          86400   IN      NS          86400   IN      NS
Ftp      86400   IN      CNAME     86400   IN      CNAME       86400   IN      A      86400   IN      A   86400   IN      CNAME      86400   IN      CNAME          86400   IN      SOA 2004011823 10800 900 604800 86400
;; Query time: 3 msec
;; WHEN: Sun Jan 18 22:31:32 2004
;; XFR size: 12 records

If you were of a malicious mind, wouldn't that be useful information? Because you're a dutiful administrator, though, that output should frighten you. Luckily, it's easy to lock this down. Simply add the allow-transfer directive to your named.conf zone block, as in

zone  "" IN {
   type master;
   file "";
   allow update   {   none; };
   allow-transfer {;;;;   } :

Now, named will prevent zone transfers from any IP addresses other than those specified in allow-transfer. If someone tries to snoop your DNS data now, that person will get this error message:

   # dig axfr @

   ; <<>> DIG 9.2.2-P3 <<>> axfr @
   ;; global options:printcmd
   ; Transfer failed.

Be sure to take care of this on all running DNS servers, including secondary, and tertiary servers (that is, all slave servers) if you are running them. Without this setting, you leave yourself open to would-be crackers. Anyone can fully enumerate all the hosts in your domain, or even all the hosts on your network, with DHCP unless you close this hole.


You can also fix this problem by setting the allow-transfer option globally to {!;}, which will disallow zone transfers from all IPs on the Internet by default. Then you can simply allow them on a zone-per-zone basis as needed.

Running BIND9 in chroot Mode

If you want to enhance the security of your DNS server, consider running BIND9 in chroot mode. This ensures that if crackers get into your system, they will be trapped in the application's chroot directory (/var/named/chroot) and won't be able to get out into the rest of the filesystem where they could do real damage. It's a good option for those who are particularly nervous about external intrusion.

By default, Fedora Core Linux has started installing BIND9 to run in chroot mode. However, there are some concerns that you should know about before you decide to keep BIND9 in this mode. In particular, see the BIND9 Bug sidebar in this chapter. You can tell whether your system is running in chroot mode or normal mode with the ps command, as in

   # ps auxw| grep [n]amed
   named   7288   0.0  1.1  36796 2484 ?  S    00:36   0:00
   /usr/sbin/named -u named -t /var/named/chroot

This output shows that you're in chroot mode. If you were running in normal mode, the output would look like this:

   # ps auxw| grep [n]amed
   named   7427   1.0  1.1   36348 2468 ?  S   01:13   0:00
   /usr/sbin/named -u named

On Fedora Core, BIND's chroot mode is controlled by the file /etc/sysconfig/named. If you open this file in a text editor, you'll see a line beginning with ROOTDIR. This line determines whether BIND9 runs in chroot or normal mode. In chroot mode (the default), the line looks like this:


To change BIND9 to normal mode, change the line to this:


If you decide to leave your system in chroot mode, be sure that you have a file at /var/ named/chroot/etc/named.conf and that the file has content. You should also have these files to start with:


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