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7.15. perrorExplain Error Codes

For most system errors, MySQL displays, in addition to an internal text message, the system error code in one of the following styles:

message ... (errno: #)
message ... (Errcode: #)

You can find out what the error code means by examining the documentation for your system or by using the perror utility.

perror prints a description for a system error code or for a storage engine (table handler) error code.

Invoke perror like this:

shell> perror [options] errorcode...

shell> perror 13 64
Error code  13:  Permission denied
Error code  64:  Machine is not on the network

To obtain the error message for a MySQL Cluster error code, invoke perror with the --ndb option:

shell> perror --ndb errorcode

Note that the meaning of system error messages may be dependent on your operating system. A given error code may mean different things on different operating systems.

perror supports the following options:

  • --help, --info, -I, -?

    Display a help message and exit.

  • --ndb

    Print the error message for a MySQL Cluster error code.

  • --silent, -s

    Silent mode. Print only the error message.

  • --verbose, -v

    Verbose mode. Print error code and message. This is the default behavior.

  • --version, -V

    Display version information and exit.

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