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mysql.server is a script that starts and stops the mysqld server by invoking mysqld_safe. mysql.server is a shell script and is unavailable on Windows.


mysql.server start
mysql.server stop

Normally, mysql.server is used on a System V-style system and is installed in one of the run-level directories under the /etc directory. The system starts the server by invoking the script with an argument of start at system boot time. The system shuts down the server by invoking the script with an argument of stop at system shutdown time. The script also can be invoked by hand with the appropriate argument to start or stop the server.

Standard Options Supported by mysql.server

Support by mysql.server for standard MySQL options is limited. It does not read any standard options from the command line. Within the [mysql.server] group in option files, it reads only the basedir, datadir, and pid-file options.

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