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[SYMBOL] [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [Q] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [X] [Y] [Z]

levenshtein() function 2nd
         HTTP source, fetching content from 2nd 3rd
         HTTP 2nd
LIMIT clause (SELECT statement) 2nd 3rd
line breaks
line-based geometric shapes, drawing 2nd 3rd 4th
     drawing 2nd
     WML documents 2nd
     dba installation 2nd
     MySQL installations 2nd
     PEAR installation 2nd 3rd
     PHP extension installation 2nd
     PHP installation 2nd 3rd
list widgets 2nd
    application execution
         passthru() function
    direct I/O
         basic direct I/O usage
    HTML forms
         basic form validation
         custom session handling, constructor
    Smarty template package
         Config_File class
         integer-based arrays, accessing
         multiple variable modifiers
         {if} function
         {include} function
         {sectionelse} function with {section}
         {section} function
         {section} function show parameter
         {strip} function
    Unix process control
         registering simple signal handler
     $argc/$argv arguments in CLI PHP
    application execution
         exec() function
         insecurely calling external commands
         popen() function
         shell_exec() function
         array() function 2nd
         array_filter() function
         array_map() function 2nd
         array_rand() function
         asort() function
         count() function
         cryptogram generator script 2nd
         dynamic generation of <IMG tags
         explode() function
         implode() function
         multidimensional, creating
         sortable tables, creating 2nd
         values, assigning
         values, autogenerating 2nd
         values, manipulating 2nd
         .htaccess file
         adding users to database
         checking session information
         checking usernames/passwords against database data
         checking usernames/passwords against file data
         encrypted passwords
         HTTP_AUTHORIZATION variable
         login page, simple
         login page, sophisticated
         reading login information from database
         reading login information from file
         simple script
         static usernames and passwords
         username and password printouts
         username and password retrieval
         header() function
         HTML <META tag
         Set-Cookie header
         setcookie() function 2nd
         support for, checking
         deleting data
         include file for dba handler 2nd
         inserting data 2nd
         news board example code
         reading data
         updating data
    debugging scripts
         application trace 2nd 3rd
         assert() function
         assertion callbacks
    direct I/O
         adjusting file pointer
         dico_fcntl() function
         writing to files
         glob() function
         opendir() function
         checking for DNS records
         retrieving DNS record by IP address
         retrieving IP addresses by domain 2nd
         retrieving MX records
         retrieving record information
     escape characters, using
    file system
         copy() function
         file() function
         file_get_contents() function
         fopen() function
         fscanf() function
         logic functions
         move_uploaded_file() function
         readfile() function
         text data file
         text-file hit counter
         unlink() function
         unpack() function
         Zip file version, retrieving
     floating point numbers, storing in PHP
     for statement
     forest.xsl XSLT stylesheet 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th
     freedomland.xml XML input file 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th
     getprotobyname() function
     getprotobynumber() function
     getservbyname(0 function
    HTML forms
         add_error() function
         button widget
         check box widget
         complete form validation script
         creating arrays based on
         custom addslashes() function, creating
         file upload widget 2nd 3rd
         hidden form widget
         image widget 2nd
         import_request_variables() function
         list widget
         option button widget
         password field widget
         process_form() function
         protect() MD5 form fingerprint generator
         sample form element validation function
         separating presentation code from validation code
         submission widget
         text area widget
         text field widget
         time-sensitive form example
         time-sensitive form using protect() and validate()
         validate() function
         validator script example
     if statement
         comparison operators in
         mimicing select statements
         iamgettfbbox() function
         imagearc() function 2nd
         imagecoloralloatealpha() function
         imagecopy() function
         imagecopymerge() function
         imagecopyresized() function
         imagedeallocate() function
         imageellipse() function
         imagefill() function
         imagefilledarc() function 2nd
         imagefilltoborder() function
         imagepolygon() function
         imagepsextendfont() function
         imagepsslantfont() function
         imagesetbrush() function 2nd
         imagesetstyle() function 2nd
         imagesettile() function
         imagestring() function
         imagettftext() function
         PostScript functions
     include statement 2nd
     integers, storing in PHP
    MIME-based email
         MIMEAttachment class, create() method
         MIMEAttachment class, set_file() method
         MIMEContainer class, create() function
         MIMEContainer class, trivial methods
         MIMEContent class
         MIMEMessage class
         MIMESubcontainer class
         multipart/mixed content type
         multipart/related content type
         sending email attachment
    MySQLi file (visitor-tracking system example)
         custom session handling, class example
         custom session handling, close handler
         custom session handling, destroy handler
         custom session handling, garbage collection handler
         custom session handling, open handler
         custom session handling, read handler
         custom session handling, write handler
         ip_stats.php file (visitor-tracking system example)
         multiple queries, executing
         mysqli_errno() function
         mysqli_error() function
         mysqli_fetch_array() function
         object-oriented syntax
         parameter binding in prepared statements
         result binding in prepared statements
         stats.php file (visitor-tracking system example) file (visitor-tracking system example)
         tracker.php file (visitor-tracking system example)
         transaction-related functions
         __autoload() function
         __call() method
         __clone() method
         __toString() method
         abstract classes
         accessing methods/properties
         catching exceptions
         clone statement
         defining classes (PHP 4)
         defining classes (PHP 5)
         Exception class
         final classes/methods
         instanceof operator
         interfaces, declaring
         interfaces, implementing
         interfaces, type hinting
         interfaces;implementing multiple interfaces
         iterators, implementing 2nd 3rd
         member binding
         member overloading
         private members
         public members
         serializing objects
         throwing exceptions
         type hinting 2nd
     pclose() function
    PDF (Portable Document Format) documents
         embedding images in 2nd
         patterns 2nd
         templates 2nd 3rd
         "Hello, World!" 2nd 3rd
         chgrp() function
         chmod() function
         chown() function
         Unix file listing
     popen() function
     populate RTF() function 2nd
         changing effective user
         group-related functions
         retrieving current/parent process ID
         retrieving process group list
         retrieving user information
         sending signals
     Readline, multiple histories class 2nd
     require statement
    RTF (Rich Text Format) documents
         generating 2nd
         session_register() function
         shopping cart example 2nd
    skeleton PDF documents
         creating 2nd
    Smarty template package
         configuration file example
         configuration file usage
         test script
         test template
         wordwrap variable modifier
         {capture} function
         {foreach} function
         {literal} function
         creating a multisocket server
         creating a socket-based server
         retrieving a website using
    SQLite databases
         copying resultsets into arrays manually
         PHP() function
         sqlite_create_aggregate() function
         sqlite_create_function() function
         sqlite_current() function
         sqlite_last_insert_rowid() function
         sqlite_next() function
         sqlite_popen() function
         sqlite_query() function
         sqlite_seek() function
     static statement
     switch statement
     templates [See also listings[sc]Smarty template package]
         navigational HTML content
         QuickTemplate class 2nd
         QuickTemplate script array
         QuickTemplate script template file
         segmented Web page example
     test-domxml.php file 2nd 3rd 4th
     test-php5.php file 2nd 3rd 4th
     test-xslt.php file 2nd 3rd
         beautifying documents
         cleaning documents
         configuration files
         extracting URLs from documents
         parsing documents
         passing options at runtime
         reducing document size
         repairing documents
         replacing <FONT tags with CSS
         retrieving documents
         retrieving entrance nodes
         tidy_repair_file() function
    Unix process control
         child management using pcntl_waitpid()
         forking processes
         setting alarm signal
         signal/fork example
     unset() function
         global scope
         local scope
         references 2nd
    Web services
         WSDL description
     while statement
    WML documents
         cinema reservation system example, movies list
         cinema reservation system example, movies table
         cinema reservation system example, reservation confirmation
         cinema reservation system example, reservation form
         cinema reservation system example, reservations table
         detecting clients
         grouped form elements
         login page
         processing form data
         selection list
         selection lists
         sending form data 2nd
         sending WBMP graphics
         sending with PHP
         simple WML page
         text formatting
         with a graphic
     implementing arrays as 2nd 3rd
load() function
loadXML() function
local function scope 2nd
locking database data
     SQLite databases 2nd
log_errors directive (php.ini) 2nd 3rd
log_errors_max_len directive (php.ini)
logarithmic operations
logging errors 2nd 3rd
logical bugs 2nd
     assertions 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
     js sb logic-related bugs
     preventing 2nd
     script tracing 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
logical control structures 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th
logical operators 2nd 3rd 4th
     to MySQL server 2nd
lookup tables
     implementing arrays as 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th
     do/while 2nd
     for statement 2nd 3rd
     invariant loop optimization 2nd 3rd
     while statement 2nd
loosely typed languages
lower character class (POSIX regular expressions)

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