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Daemons, 44
Data modules, 339–340
Data validation and datasets, 332
Database applications
appending, inserting, and editing datasets, 332
client dataset, 333–334, 336–338
client dataset and in-memory table, 347–352
creating, and Kylix, 273, 277, 325–326, 340–342
data modules, 339–340
data validation, 332
DataCLX components, 304
dataset provider component, 334–336, 339
dataset states, 329–330
datasets and their characteristics, 326–329
dbExpress framework, 332–333
entity beans, 499, 500–501, 512, 532–547
establishing database connections, 340–342
JDBC (Java Data Base Connectivity, 325
ODBC (Open Data Base Connectivity), 325
opening/closing datasets, 331
SQL connections, 342–344
synchronous, asynchronous, and transaction modes, 330
two-tier, 342–347
DbExpress framework, 332–333
Declare command (bash shell), 136
__declspec keyword extension, 228–230
Delete operator
C++, 204, 206
Java alternative, 247
application structure, 157–163
arrays, 167–168
calling conventions, 175
class constructors, 178, 184–185
class destructors, 178, 185
class inheritance, 156, 179–186
classes, 177–179
compiled units, 289
compiler directives, 159
declaration of identifiers, 163–165
Delphi Project file (.dpr), 157–158
forward directive, 175
functions and procedures, 173–176
interfaces, 186–187
pointer data types, 187–188
procedure and function data types, 176–177
procedure header/signature, 174–175
procedure keyword, 174
program control constructs, 188–193
records, 169–170
reserved words, 158
sets, 167–168
string manipulation functions, 165–166
structured data types, 167–170
unit implementation section, 161–162, 178
unit initialization section, 162
unit interface section, 161
units, 158
variant data types, 170–173
virtual class method, 182–184
depmod command, 31
Derived classes, 156
graphical, types of, 31–32, 49–50
vs. server applications, 63–64
Destructors, class, 178, 185, 199, 206
/dev directory, 54
described, 57–59
drivers, 26
IDE, 14–16
major/minor device number, 57
Df command-line program, 48
Dialogs, CLX common, 302–304
/bin/sbin directory, 53
/boot directory, 53
current, 57
described, in Linux, 57–59
/dev directory, 54
empty, 57
hierarchy in Linux, 52–55
/home directory, 53
/lib directory, 54
/mnt subdirectories, 55
naming conventions, 14
/opt directory, 54
parent, 57
/proc directory, 55
root, 52
/tmp directory, 54
/usr directory, 54
/usr/local directory, 54
/var directory, 54–55
Disk Manager, 44–45
boot process, 15–20
formatting, 51
swap space, 51
Distributed applications. See Java
Drag and drop, implementing in Kylix, 322–325
Dual boot systems, 19–20
dump command, 56
Dynamic arrays, Object Pascal, 168
Dynamic_cast operator, C++, 218–222

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