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Echo command (bash shell), 119, 130, 137
code editing in Kylix, 283–286
GNU Emacs editor, 82–92
Kylix code editor, 278–279
overview, 69–70
sed stream editor, 97–103
vi editor, 70–82
EJB (Enterprise JavaBeans)
abstract persistent schema, 515
actions, 498
Applicatioin Deployer, 496
Application Assembler, 496
Bean Managed Persistence (BMP), 501
Bean Provider (Bean Developer), 495
concepts, 491–495
Container Managed Persistence (CMP), 501
Container Provider (Server Provider), 495
container, 496–498
data objects, 498
database-related logic, 498
entity bean class, 510
entity beans, 499, 500–501, 512, 532–547
Home Interface, 497–498, 503
implementing, 501–517
message-driven beans, 501, 516–517
Module Wizard, 519–520
participant roles in applications, 495–496
passivation, 506–508
persistence, 513, 515
primary key, 510, 513
processing logic, 498
Remote Interface, 497–498
Runtime Configuration Wizard, 524
session beans, 498–500
stateful vs. stateless sessions, , 499–500
stateless session bean, 517–532
System Administrator, 496
Test Client Wizard, 523
transient fields, 506
types, 498
ELF (Executable and Linking format), 62, 273
Emacs editor
backspace key, 92
buffer manipulation commands, 88–89
closing and saving/discarding changes, 85–86
command notation, 84–85
CTRL and ALT key combinations, 84–91
DEL key, 92
edit commands, 90–92
emacs command, 82
file manipulation, 88–89
miscellaneous features, 92
navigation commands, 86–87
split windows, 88–89
using, 82–84
Encapsulation, 155–156
Enterprise-class applications, overview of Linux and, 8–9
Entity beans, 500–501, 532–547
access violation, 205
error log files, 121
Eval command (bash shell), 137
Events, CLX object event model, 309–312
Ex mode commands, 71
Exception handling
CLX, 312–316
Java , 262–265
protected blocks, 313
described, 62–63
file extensions, 14
shell scripting precedence rule, 120
Execute permission
file permissions, 59–61
shell scripting, 118, 128
Execution context, 369
Exit command (bash shell), 137
Export command (bash shell), 119, 130, 137

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