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IBM and cross-platform Java development, 237
IDE (Integrated Development Environment)
Java-based, 352–354
Kylix 3, 273–274
IDE devices, booting process, 14–16
IDL (Interface Definition Language), 406, 407–411
If constructs. See Conditional statements
IIOP (Internet Inter-ORB Protocol)Java support, 238, 407
Import statement, Java, 243
Indy project, 278
class inheritance in Delphi, 179–186
Java support, 237–238, 250–255, 253
object-oriented programming, 156
Init program, 21–22, 64
Inode, 58
Insert mode, vi editor, 71, 73–75
Insmod command, 30
CD-ROM (included), 549–550
Linux, 5
scripts, 129
Windows and Linux, 28–29
Instantiation, 155
Interactive login shell, 122–123
Interactive non-login shell, 122–123
InterBase (Borland), 6
Delphi section, 186–187
__interface keyword extension, 231–232
Java, 253–255
Internet Connection Wizard, 46
Inumber, 58
IPC (inter-process communication), 65–66

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