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3.2 Benchmarking Strategies

We'll look at the mechanics of benchmarking shortly. First it's important to convey some of strategies and ideas that make up the philosophy behind benchmarking.

To start with, it's important to make a distinction between performance testing and stress testing. Both processes use the tools we'll look at in this chapter, but the goals are very different. When doing performance testing, you're usually comparing two alternatives—most often in isolation from everything else. For instance, would it be faster to use a UNION or run two separate queries? Stress testing, on the other hand, is about finding limits: what's the maximum number of requests I can handle with this configuration?

If the two types of benchmarking still sound similar, look at it this way: in performance testing, the numbers you get aren't as important as the difference between them. You may see that alternative #1 usually runs in 0.01 seconds (or 100 queries/second), while alternative #2 runs in 0.20 seconds (or 5 queries/second). That tells you the first alternative is 20 times faster than the second one. However, knowing that you can handle 100 queries per second doesn't tell you how your application as a whole will perform unless, of course, your application always runs the same query. In contrast, stress testing can help in situations such as: "We expect the promotion we just offered to bring in 30% more hits than we have now. What will the effects on our server be?"

To make benchmarking as realistic and hassle-free as possible, here are several suggestions to consider:

Change one thing at a time

In science this is called isolating the variable. No matter how well you think you understand the effects your changes will have, don't make more than one change between test runs. Otherwise you'll never know which one was responsible for the doubling (or halving) of performance. You might be surprised to find that an adjustment you made once before to improve performance actually makes it worse in your current tests.

Test iteratively

Try not to make dramatic changes. When adjusting MySQL's buffers and caches, you'll often be trying to find the smallest value that comfortably handles your load. Rather than increasing a value by 500%, start with a 50% or 100% increase and continue using that percentage increase on subsequent tests. You'll probably find the optimal value faster this way. Similarly, if you're working from larger values to smaller, the time-tested "divide and conquer" technique is your best bet. Cut the current value in half, retest, and repeat the process until you've zeroed in close to the correct value.

Always repeat tests

No matter how carefully you control the environment, something can creep in and really mess up your numbers. Maybe you forgot to disable cron, or you have some disk-intensive script running in the background. Because the disk is already being hit, you may not notice the new process, but it sure can slow down MySQL.

By running each test several times (we recommend no fewer than four) and throwing out the first result, you minimize the chance of an outside influence getting in the way. It will be pretty clear that something was wrong with the first result when the second and third set of tests run twice as fast as the first. Also, consider restarting MySQL and even rebooting your server between test runs to factor out caching artifacts.

Use real data

It sounds like common sense, doesn't it? If you're not testing with real data, it's difficult to draw conclusions based on the numbers you get. As you'll see in Chapter 4, MySQL will often behave differently when presented with different sets of data. The query optimizer makes decisions based on what it knows about the data you've stored. If you're testing with fake data, there's a chance that the optimizer's decisions aren't the same as they'll be when you switch to using your real data.

In a similar vein, try to use a realistic amount of data. If you plan to have 45 million rows in a table but test with only 45 thousand, you'll find that performance drops off quite a bit after the table is filled up—and it has nothing to do with limits in MySQL. The simple fact is that your server probably has enough memory to keep 45 thousand rows cached, but 45 million rows aren't nearly as likely to be entirely cached.

Don't use too many clients

Try not to go crazy with benchmarking. It's fun to see how hard you can push your server, but unless you're doing stress testing, there's little need to run more than 40 or 50 concurrent clients in day-to-day benchmarking.[1] What you'll likely find is that performance (measured in queries/second) reaches a plateau when you try to increase the simulated clients beyond a certain number.

[1] There will always be exceptions. If your site must routinely handle 450 connections, you'll obviously need to test with numbers close to 450.

When you attempt to use too many clients, your server will refuse to accept any more connections than specified by the max_clients setting. Be careful not to increase this value too much; if you do, the server may start to swap wildly and grind to a halt simply because it doesn't have the resources (typically memory) to handle huge numbers of clients. We'll come back to this in Chapter 6 when we look at service performance. But the test doesn't help you evaluate your server realistically.

You can find the optimal number of clients by using a simple iterative testing method. Start with a small number such as 20, and run the benchmark. Double the number, and run it again. Continue doubling it until the performance does not increase, meaning that the total queries per second stays the same or decreases. Another option is to use data from your logs to find out roughly how many concurrent users you handle during peak times.

Separate the clients from the server

Even if your real application runs on the same host as MySQL, it's best to run the benchmarking client on a separate machine. In this way, you need not worry about the resources required by the client interfering with MySQL's performance during the test.

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