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[SYMBOL] [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [Q] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [X] [Y] [Z]

A \ modifier 
A \escape character 
abs() function 
abstract classes  2nd  3rd  4th 
abstract keyword 
accept client header 
accept-charset client header 
accept-encoding client header 
accept-language client header 
    object methods
        lmiting  2nd 
    object properties
        limiting  2nd  3rd 
        intercepting  2nd 
access (@before) tag 
    array elements  2nd  3rd 
    global variables 
    object properties 
        with methods 
        within methods 
    resultsets  2nd  3rd 
    session variables  2nd  3rd  4th 
    variables  2nd  3rd  4th 
add views (MVC)  2nd 
addBar() function 
addCondition() function
    SimpleDispatcher class  2nd 
addFive() function 
    comments to PHP code  2nd 
        SQLite tables  2nd 
        tables  2nd  3rd  4th 
    data structures to databases  2nd 
    data to databases
        dba_insert() function  2nd 
    HTML to PHP scripts  2nd 
        arrays  2nd 
adding to
    arrays  2nd 
    associative arrays 
addItem() method 
        converting to hostnames  2nd 
addStatus() function 
AddTask class  2nd 
addUser() function
    Auth class 
    database elements
        dba_replace() function  2nd 
    cookies  2nd 
anchor escape characters 
anonymous functions
    creating  2nd 
    configuring  2nd 
    DSO support, testing 
    PHP configuration 
        --with-freetype option 
        --with-gd option 
        --with-gdbm option 
        --with-mysql option  2nd 
        --with-xslt option 
    PHP installation  2nd  3rd 
Apache 2
    PHP installation 
        fopen() function  2nd 
        fputs() function  2nd 
ApplicationResources class  2nd  3rd  4th 
ApplicationResources object 
ApplicationResourcesImpl class  2nd 
    external, running  2nd 
    drawing  2nd 
    default values  2nd  3rd 
    functions requiring two arguments  2nd 
        flock() function 
        constraining  2nd 
    optional example  2nd 
    reference passing  2nd 
        strings  2nd 
    value passing  2nd 
arithmetic operators 
array() function  2nd 
    associative arrays  2nd 
array_fill() function 
array_keys() function 
array_merge() function
    joining arrays  2nd 
array_push() function
    adding variables to arrays  2nd 
array_shift() function
    array elements, deleting  2nd 
array_slice() function
    slicing arrays  2nd 
array_unshift() function 
arrays  2nd 
    $_FILES array  2nd 
    $_SERVER  2nd 
    $_SERVER;elements  2nd 
    $_SERVER;looping through  2nd 
    adding to  2nd 
    associative  2nd 
        adding to 
        defining  2nd  3rd 
        looping through  2nd 
        sorting by key 
        sorting by value  2nd 
    chunks, extracting  2nd 
    converting to strings
        serialize() function 
    defining  2nd  3rd 
        accessing  2nd  3rd 
        deleting  2nd 
    identifiers  2nd 
    joining  2nd 
    looping through  2nd 
    multidimensional  2nd 
        looping through  2nd 
    numerically indexed, sorting  2nd 
        unserialize() function 
    size  2nd  3rd 
        breaking into  2nd 
    variables, adding  2nd 
arsort() function 
asort() function
    associative arrays, sorting  2nd 
ASP tags  2nd 
    object references 
assignment operators  2nd 
    combining  2nd 
associative arrays  2nd 
    adding to 
    defining  2nd  3rd 
    looping through  2nd 
    sorting by key 
    sorting by value  2nd 
asterisk (*)
    string pattern matching quantifier 
at character (@)
atoms.  [See subpatterns]
Auth class  2nd 
Auth package 
    Auth class  2nd 
    authentication example
        controller script  2nd  3rd  4th 
        login view 
        navigation helper 
author (@before) tag 
autoExecute() function 
    sending mail  2nd 

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