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16.5. Universal Functions (ufuncs)

Numeric supplies named functions with the same semantics as Python's arithmetic, comparison, and bitwise operators, and mathematical functions like those supplied by built-in modules math and cmath (covered in "The math and cmath Modules" on page 365), such as sin, cos, log, and exp.

These functions are objects of type ufunc (which stands for "universal function") and share several traits in addition to those they have in common with array operators (element-wise operation, broadcasting, coercion). Every ufunc instance u is callable, is applicable to sequences as well as to arrays, and accepts an optional output argument. If u is binary (i.e., if u accepts two operand arguments), u also has four callable attributes, named u.accumulate, u.outer, u.reduce, and u.reduceat. The ufunc objects supplied by Numeric apply only to arrays with numeric typecodes (i.e., not to arrays with typecode 'O' or 'c') and Python sequences of numbers.

When you start with a list L, it's faster to call u directly on L rather than to convert L to an array. u's return value is an array a; you can perform further computation, if any, on a; if you need a list result, convert the resulting array to a list at the end by calling method tolist. For example, say you must compute the logarithm of each item of a list and return another list. On my laptop, with N set to 2222, a list comprehension such as:

def logsupto(N):
    return [math.log(x) for x in range(2,N)]

takes about 5.2 milliseconds. Using Python's built-in map:

def logsupto(N):
    return map(math.log, range(2,N))

is faster, about 3.7 milliseconds. Using Numeric's ufunc named log:

def logsupto(N):
    return Numeric.log(Numeric.arange(2,N)).tolist( )

reduces the time to about 2.1 milliseconds. Taking some care to exploit the output argument to the log ufunc:

def logsupto(N):
    temp = Numeric.arange(2, N, typecode=Numeric.Float)
    Numeric.log(temp, output=temp)
    return temp.tolist( )

further reduces the time, down to just 2 milliseconds. The ability to accelerate such simple but massive computations (here by almost three times) with so little effort is a good part of the attraction of Numeric, and particularly of Numeric's ufunc objects. Do take care not to carelessly code something like:

def logsupto(N):
    return Numeric.log(range(2,N)).tolist( )

which, on my laptop, takes about 18 milliseconds; clearly, the conversions from list to array and from integer to float may dominate actual computations in a case like this one.

16.5.1. The Optional output Argument

Any ufunc u accepts an optional last argument output that specifies an output array. If supplied, output must be an array or array slice of the right shape and type for u's results (no coercion, no broadcasting). u stores results in output and does not create a new array. output can be the same as an input array argument a of u. Indeed, output is normally specified in order to substitute common idioms such as a=u(a,b) with faster equivalents such as u(a,b,a). However, output cannot share data with a without being a (i.e., output can't be a different view of some or all of a's data). If you pass such a disallowed output argument, Numeric is normally unable to diagnose your error and raise an exception, so instead you may get wrong results.

Whether you pass the optional output argument or not, a ufunc u returns its results as the function's return value. When you do not pass output, u stores the results it returns in a new array object, so you normally bind u's return value to some reference in order to be able to access u's results later. When you pass the output argument, u stores the results in output, so you need not bind u's return value. You can later access u's results as the new contents of the array object passed as output.

16.5.2. Callable Attributes

Every binary ufunc u supplies four attributes that are also callable objects.



Returns an array r with the same shape and typecode as a. Each element of r is the accumulation of elements of a along the given axis with the function or operator underlying u. For example:

print add.accumulate(range(10))
# prints: [0 1 3 6 10 15 21 28 36 45]

Since add's underlying operator is +, and a is the sequence 0,1,2,...,9, r is 0,0+1,0+1+2,...,0+1+...+8+9. In other words, r[0] is a[0], r[1] is r[0] + a[1], r[2] is r[1] + a[2], and so on (r[i] is r[i-1] + a[i] for each i>0).



Returns an array r whose shape tuple is a.shape+b.shape. For each tuple ta indexing a and tb indexing b, a[ta], operated (with the function or operator underlying u) with b[tb], is put in r[ta+tb] (the + here indicates tuple concatenation). The overall operation is known in mathematics as the outer product when u is multiply. For example:

a = Numeric.arange(3, 5)
b = Numeric.arange(1, 6)
c = Numeric.multiply.outer(a, b)
print a.shape, b.shape, c.shape # prints: (2,) (5,) (2,5)
print c                         # prints: [[3 6 9 12 15]
                                #          [4 8 12 16 20]]

c.shape is (2,5), which is the concatenation of the shape tuples of operands a and b. Each ith row of c is the whole of b multiplied by the corresponding ith element of a.



Returns an array r with the same typecode as a and a rank one less than a's rank. Each element of r is the reduction of the elements of a, along the given axis, with the function or operator underlying u. The functionality of u.reduce is therefore close to that of Python's built-in reduce function, covered in "reduce". For example, since 0+1+2+...+9 is 45, add.reduce(range(10)) is 45. With built-in reduce and import operator, reduce(operator.add,range(10)) is also 45, just like the simpler and faster expression sum(range(10)).



Returns an array r with the same typecode as a and the same shape as indices. Each element of r is the reduction, with the function or operator underlying u, of elements of a starting from the corresponding item of indices up to the next one excluded (up to the end, for the last one). For example:

print Numeric.add.reduceat(range(10),(2,6,8)) # emits: [14 13 17]

Here, r's elements are the partial sums 2+3+4+5, 6+7, and 8+9.

16.5.3. ufunc Objects Supplied by Numeric

Numeric supplies several ufunc objects, as listed in Table 16-3.

Table 16-3. ufunc objects supplied by Numeric




Like the abs built-in function


Like the + operator


Like the acos function in math and cmath


Like the acosh function in cmath


Like the asin function in math and cmath


Like the asinh function in cmath


Like the atan function in math and cmath


Like the atanh function in cmath


Like the & operator


Like the ~ operator


Like the | operator


Like the ^ operator


Like the ceil function in math


Complex conjugate of each element (unary)


Like the cos function in math and cmath


Like the cosh function in cmath


Like the / operator (but with result inf for division by zero)


Like the / operator (raises an exception for division by zero)


Like the == operator


Like the exp function in math and cmath


Like the fabs function in math


Like the floor function in math


Like the fmod function in math


Like the > operator


Like the >= operator


Like the < operator


Like the <= operator


Like the log function in math and cmath


Like the log10 function in math and cmath


Like the & operator; returns array of 0s and 1s


Like the ~ operator; returns array of 0s and 1s


Like the | operator; returns array of 0s and 1s


Like the ^ operator; returns array of 0s and 1s


Element-wise, the larger of the two elements being operated on


Element-wise, the smaller of the two elements being operated on


Like the * operator


Like the != operator


Like the ** operator


Like the % operator


Like the sin function in math and cmath


Like the sinh function in cmath


Like the sqrt function in math and cmath


Like the - operator


Like the tan function in math and cmath


Like the tanh function in cmath

Here's how you can use ufunc to get a "ramp" of numbers, decreasing then increasing:

print Numeric.maximum(range(1,20),range(20,1,-1))
# prints: [20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19]

16.5.4. Shorthand for Commonly Used ufunc Methods

Numeric defines function synonyms for some commonly used methods of ufunc objects, as listed in Table 16-4.

Table 16-4. Synonyms for ufunc methods


Stands for













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