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[SYMBOL] [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [Q] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [X] [Z]

+b channel mode 
backgrounds, mIRC client 
bad words  [See profanity, filtering]
banning users from a channel 
    +b notation 
    irssi blacklist, persistent 
    mIRC client, script for 
    unbanning yourself with ChanServ 
bash shell, redirections 
Bersirc client 
beware ircd server 
    editing bircd.ini 
    editing ircd.conf file, O:Lines 
!bflive command (PPF) 
BFTracks plug-in (PPF) 
BitchX, nickname-completion feature 
    combining with CtrlProxy 
        starting CtrlProxy 
        starting the session 
    set command 
blog bot 
    MySQL database 
        creating blog from 
    PHP script getting entries from database 
    Weblog class (Java example) 
        compiling and running 
    WeblogMain class (Java example) 
Bluetooth, Pocket PC connections to IRC 
bold text
    formatting in mIRC 
    formatting with a bot 
bot master (PPF auth level) 
bot owner (PPF auth level) 
    banning of by IRC servers 
    checking your IRC network's policy on 
    clients vs. 
    colored messages, sending from 
    community  [See community bots]
    formatting text with 
    infobots  [See infobots]
    logging  [See logging bots]
    QuakeNet L channel bot 
    search and query  [See search and query bots]
        ethics of IRC bots 
        IRC connection over Telnet 
        Java IRC client (simple) 
        Java IRC client (with PircBot) 
        Perl IRC client (simple) 
        Perl IRC client (with Net\:\:IRC) 
        Python IRC client (simple) 
    IRC, CtrlProxy 
    proxies and 
browsers (Mozilla-based), ChatZilla cross-platform client 
bursting servers 

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