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[SYMBOL] [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [Q] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [X] [Z]

J2ME-equipped mobile phone, using IRC with 
JabberIM, combined with IRC chat (Fire) 
Jargon file 
    AmazonBot class (example) 
    AmazonBotMain class (example) 
    asking questions about on freenode 
    BridgeBot class 
    BridgeBotMain class 
    Cont class (example) 
    ContextList class (example) 
    continuity bot, compiling and running 
    ContMain class (example) 
    Controller class (example) 
    CryptBot class (example) 
    CurrencyService class (example) 
    CurrentTime class (example) 
    DiceBot class (example) 
    EggTimerBot class (example) 
    EggTimerBotMain class 
    EggTimerTask class (example) 
    FileBot class (example) 
    FileBotMain class (example) 
    GoogleBot class (example) 
    HashMap class, maintaining information on nicknames 
    IdentServer class (example) 
    InviteBot class 
    IRC client (simple) 
        compiling and running the bot 
    IRC client (with PircBot) 
        compiling and running the bot 
        documentation, ideas for added features 
        event-driven framework 
    IsonBot class (example) 
    IsonBotMain class (example) 
    IsonThread class (example) 
    JMegaHal implementation of MegaHal 
    JMegaHalBot class (example) 
    JMegaHalBotMain class (example) 
    MathBot class (example) 
    MathBotMain class (example) 
    NntpConnection class (example) 
    PPF bot  [See PPF]
    ProcessInputThread class 
    ProcessThread class 
    regular expression removing color from IRC message 
    SeenBot class (example) 
        compiling and running 
        restoring with load( ) 
        saving HashMap to file 
    SeenBotMain class (example) 
    ShellBot class (example) 
    TellBot class (example) 
    TellBotMain class (example) 
    TopicBot class (example) 
    TopicBotMain class (example) 
    TranslatorService class (example) 
    trivia bot
        Question class 
        TriviaBot class 
    Virtual Machine 
    WeatherService class (example) 
    Weblog class (example) 
        compiling and running 
    WeblogMain class (example) 
    WelcomeBot class (example) 
    WelcomeBotMain class (example) 
Java Applets
    accessing IRC with 
    removing color from IRC messages 
    removing formatting from IRC messages 
Java Expression Parser (JEP) 
Java IRC API  [See PircBot]
JBouncer (IRC proxy) 
JEP (Java Expression Parser) 
JMegaHal package 
    combining with PircBot 
        compiling and running bot 
    learning sentences and generating replies 
JMegaHalBotMain class (Java) 
/join #channel command, on mIRC 
JOIN command
    searching for a user on a channel 
    sending upon receipt of MOTD reply from server 
join command, sending to PieSpy 
joining channels 
    Eggdrop bot 
    Telnet connection to IRC 

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