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MAC (Media Access Control) addresses
network routing, Routing
end user devices, Usage
Macro ToolsWorks, Script and Macro Tools
MacroExpress, Script and Macro Tools
Macromedia Flash Player
handling with SpeedScreen Browser Acceleration, Farms and Server Properties
optimizing output with SpeedScreen Browser Acceleration, Farms and Server Properties
MailService.exe., see resource manager mail
main memory
files within, Chapter 6: Registry
maintenance agreements
Manage tab, Administration
managed applications
managed databases
Microsoft Clearinghouse, Microsoft Clearinghouse
Management Console
Citrix MetaFrame XP Presentation Server, Citrix Load Evaluators
management rule
MaxConnectionTime key, Log and User Session Settings
MaxDisconnectionTime key, Log and User Session Settings
MaxMpxCt registry value, Connection and Logon Limits
MaxWorkItems registry value, Connection and Logon Limits
MD5 algorithm
latency, Latency
Member Of tab, Member Of
groups, Member Of
users, Member Of
memory leaks
memory-mapped files, Chapter 6: Registry
MessageBox function, Functions
servers, Installation
MetaFrame Access Suite, History and Product Lines
Conferencing Manager, History and Product Lines
Password Manager, History and Product Lines
Presentation Server for UNIX, History and Product Lines
Secure Access Manager, History and Product Lines
MetaFrame environments
automatic program start, Automatic Program Start
direct access to server desktop, Direct Access to a Desktop
Program Neighborhood, Program Neighborhood
published applications, Published Applications
published desktops, Published Desktops
seamless windows, Published Applications
accessing IMA database servers, The IMA Database
assigning client printers to printer drivers, Managing Printers
basic concepts, The Concepts
configuration information, The IMA Database
disk space required, Installation Prerequisites
joining existing farm, Installation Prerequisites
monitoring parameters, Zones in MetaFrame Server Farms
replicating printer drivers and configurations, The Distinguishing Properties of MetaFrame Servers
using as NFuse gateway, Administration Tool
MetaFrame XP Presentation Server, Architecture, Local Client Printers
ADF Installer Service, System and Start Menu Modifications
based on Windows Server 2003, History and Product Lines
integrating with MetaFrame Secure Access Manager, Integration of MetaFrame XP Presentation Server
Management Console, Installation Prerequisites
managing Windows-based applications, History and Product Lines
Microsoft Installer, Going Through the Installation
Program Neighborhood settings, Client Connections
Resource Manager Mail, System and Start Menu Modifications
Secure Gateway as extension of, Integration of Secure Gateway
server environments, Server Environment
universal printer drivers, Universal Printer Drivers
MetaFrame XP Presentation Server., see also metaframe environments
status expressing as colors, Citrix Resource Management
Mfcom.exe., see metaframe com server
Microsoft .NET runtime environment., see .net runtime environment
Microsoft BackOffice., see backoffice
Microsoft Clearinghouse (managed database), Microsoft Clearinghouse
Visual Studio .NET, Microsoft Visual Studio.NET
Windows Installer, Windows Installer
Windows Installer SDK, Windows Installer SDK
Microsoft Intermediate Language Code (MSIL code)., see msil code (microsoft intermediate language co
Microsoft Intermediate Language., see msil (microsoft intermediate language)
Microsoft Internet Explorer., see internet explorer
Microsoft Internet Security and Acceleration Server., see isa server
Microsoft JScript., see jscript
Microsoft Management Console
Microsoft Management Console., see mmc (microsoft management console)
Microsoft Office XP., see office xp
Microsoft Office 2000., see office 2000
Microsoft Office., see office
Microsoft Project 2002., see project 2002
Microsoft SharePoint Portal Server., see sharepoint portal server
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Desktop Engine., see msde
Microsoft SQL Server., see sql server
Microsoft Systems Management Server., see systems management server
Microsoft VirtualPC, Server Categories
Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications., see visual basic for applications
Microsoft Visual Basic Script., see vbscript
Microsoft Visual Studio .NET., see visual studio .net
Microsoft Windows CE., see windows ce
Microsoft Windows NT., see windows nt
Microsoft Windows Server 2003., see windows server 2003
Microsoft Windows XP., see windows xp
Microsoft Windows 2000., see windows 2000
Tarantella Enterprise, New Moon Canaveral iQ
Migratetomsde command, Table 10.1: The MetaFrame Commands
terminal server projects, Project Planning
MinEncryptionLevel key, Log and User Session Settings
using Remote Control tab in properties dialog box, Remote Control and Remote Assistance
MMC (Microsoft Management Console), Administration and Display Concepts
MMC snap-ins
Terminal Services Configuration tool, Selecting a Configuration, Client Settings
mobile devices
battery life, Mobile Devices
clients, Mobile Devices
operating systems, Mobile Devices
terminal servers, Mobile Devices
basic, Basic Models
Modems With Bad DSR registry value, General Settings
modifying DLL loading behaviors
AppSense Optimizer, AppSense Optimizer
Module.ini configuration file, Configuration Files
Monitor tab, Administration
processor utilization, AppSense Performance Manager
required by hard drives, Avoiding System Failures
monitoring functions
configuring within policies, Audit Policy
More command, Language Syntax
cloning hard drives, Cloning Hard Drives
FAT file system, Cloning Hard Drives
MsgQBadAppSleepTimeInMillisec bad applications value, Bad Applications Values
MsgQBadAppSleepTimeInMillisec registry value, General Settings
Msiexec.exe command, Going Through the Installation
.NET Windows Forms applications, Framework Applications
MSIL (Microsoft Intermediate Language), Framework Applications
MSIL code (Microsoft Intermediate Language Co, The .NET Runtime Environment
MSIL code (Microsoft Intermediate Language Code)
.NET runtime environment, The .NET Runtime Environment
MSIL code., see managed code
Mstsc.exe (command-line options), Mstsc Command-Line Options
Mstscax.dll, Installation
multiple server farms, Using Several Farms
local policies vs. Group Policies, Using Several Farms
support tools, Using Several Farms
Windows Server 2003, System Architecture
cooperative, System Architecture
preemptive, System Architecture
Windows Server 2003, System Architecture
multithreading., see also hyperthreading
multiuser environments
modifying Control Panel, Control Panel, Software
modifying Event Viewer, Event Viewer, Handling Logs
modifying System Monitor, System Monitor, Performance Logs and Alerts
modifying Task Manager, Task Manager
standard tools adapted for, Adapting the Standard Environment
development of Terminal Services, The Development of Terminal Services

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