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name servers (NS)
authoritative, 313, 322
caching, 314, 324
domain name, 313
internet-type (IN), 321
IP addresses, 326
localhost, 321
locking down, 331
primary, 313
registrar, 313
Samba, 400
secondary, 313
TLD (top-level domain), 313
name service tools
dig, 322
host, 322
nslookup command, 321
name-based hosting, 435
config file, 317
daemon, 315, 316
names resolving
by Samba, 400
by Windows clients, 400
NAT (Network Address Translation)
buttons remapping, 189
routing firewall, 294
nat table, 286
NetBIOS tips, 401
netfilter, 272, 274
command, 459
listing, 77
backups, 109
client requests, 272
firewall configuration, 270
firewalls, 293
Network Address Translation. See NAT
Network File System. See NFS
network install boot CD, making. See boot CD creating
network install options
LAN PXE boot solution, 88
stock or custom boot CD, 87
stock or custom boot floppy, 87
network intrusion detection systems (NIDS), 241
network protocol analyzers
atmsnoop, 165
LANalyzer, 165
Microsoft Network Monitor, 165
Sniffer, 165
snoop, 165
Surveyer, 165
network securing using TCP wrappers, 275
network time protocol (NTP), 22
network troubleshooting basics, 165
network troubleshooting tools. See also troubleshooting tools
LAN monitoring via ethereal, 164
overview, 162
remote login, 163
screen utility, 165
ssh command, use of, 163
network-based backups, 119
networking/ip stack settings locking down, 78
network-node-based intrusion detection systems (NNIDS), 242
newaliases command, 499
NFS (Network File System)
installs, 85
protocols, 96
services, 277
troubleshooting references, 422
NFS behavior, monitoring
using nfsstat command, 419, 420, 421
using showmount command, 419, 420
NFS client, configuring, 410. See also NFS server, configuring
NFS commands
exportfs, 414, 422
mount, 416
nfsstat, 420, 422
rpcinfo -p, 422
showmount, 420, 422
umount, 415
NFS configuration and log files, 422
NFS directory mounting
at boot time, 410, 411
automountl, 410
manual, 410, 411
using automount, 412
NFS Server Configuration window, 414, 415
NFS server, configuring. See also NFS client, configuring
NFS service, starting, 410
shared NFS directory, adding, 408
NFS shared directory
exporting, 414
mount failure, 416
unmount failure, 415
NFS troubleshooting
export failures, 414
file and directory permissions, 417
monitoring NFS behavior, 419
mount failure, 416
slow performance, 417
unexpected NFS behavior, 418
unmount failure, 415
NFS user permissions
anonymous users, 413
read-only, sharing, 413
user IDs, mapped, 413
NFS, configuring
NFS client, 410
NFS server, 408
overview, 407
user permissions, 412
nfsstat commands, 419, 420, 421
NNIDS (network-node-based intrusion detection systems), 242
non-security-related updates, 48
non-SUSE packages, installing, 542
NOTIFY command, 335
NOTIFY message, 329
NS records, 321, 325, 330, 336
nslookup command, 321. See also dig command
NTP (network time protocol), 22
NVIDIA chipsets, 187

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